The layout of this section is a work in progress.
Tools, code and other research stuff that I’ve made public. Content ordered using a single iteration of bogosort…
- dreamcatcher | a TCP listener which allows the same port to be used as a HTTP file server (similarly to python’s SimpleHTTPServer) and handle’s other TCP connections similarly to netcat.
- blistener | a Blind-XSS listener with javascript payloads to retrieve the target user’s browser data including cookies, local/session storage, html code (and optionally a screenshot) of current page (also works as a HTTP listener)
- genx | a fast alternative domain name generator to help in generating potential subdomains of a target. Useful when starting recon on a domain.
- dnsfaster | a tool to benchmark DNS resolvers in order to find resolvers with the highest speed and accuracy.
- short domain finder | a golang application which aims to find the shortest available domain based on user parameters (ie. length, domain extension). How I found this domain
github (ext)
- BSD rootkit | a BSD rootkit and rootkit detector (written for research & education)
- silentbook | Proof-of-Concept app allowing encrypted messaging over Facebook messenger using AES-256 encryption
- CRC-32 hash collider | Naive bruteforce attack to find a CRC-32 hash collision based on a provided CRC-32 value and a charset. CRC-32 is not a cryptographic hash function. There are mathematical ways to reverse the hash value to a valid input. For more information, see the following tool.
gists (ext)
- webserver.go | Simple Golang webserver serving files from a directory and logging all incoming requests (ip, headers and body content)
- replay-http.go | Simple Golang tool to replay an http request from a txt file.
- whoami.go | Golang webserver which echo’s the request back to you and prints your IP address.
- sqlmap-proxy.go | Golang proxy example to abuse more complex SQL injections which may not be picked up by sqlmap. For example, SQL injections in CTF challenges.