AD Enumeration


Machine accounts are Domain accounts and can be used to authenticate and talk to LDAP.

AD enumeration with powerview /

# Get all users in the current domain
Get-DomainUser | select -ExpandProperty cn

# Get all computers in the current domain

# Get all domains in current forest

# Get domain/forest trusts

# Get information for the DA group
Get-DomainGroup "Domain Admins"

# Find members of the DA group
Get-DomainGroupMember "Domain Admins" | select -ExpandProperty membername

# Find interesting shares in the domain, ignore default shares, and check access
Find-DomainShare -ExcludeStandard -ExcludePrint -ExcludeIPC -CheckShareAccess

# Get OUs for current domain
Get-DomainOU -FullData

# Get computers in an OU
# %{} is a looping statement
Get-DomainOU -name Servers | %{ Get-DomainComputer -SearchBase $_.distinguishedname } | select dnshostname

# Get GPOs applied to a specific OU
Get-DomainOU *WS* | select gplink
Get-DomainGPO -Name "{3E04167E-C2B6-4A9A-8FB7-C811158DC97C}"

# Get Restricted Groups set via GPOs, look for interesting group memberships forced via domain
Get-DomainGPOLocalGroup -ResolveMembersToSIDs | select GPODisplayName, GroupName, GroupMemberOf, GroupMembers

# Get the computers where users are part of a local group through a GPO restricted group
Get-DomainGPOUserLocalGroupMapping -LocalGroup Administrators | select ObjectName, GPODisplayName, ContainerName, ComputerName

# Find principals that can create new GPOs in the domain
Get-DomainObjectAcl -SearchBase "CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=targetdomain,DC=com" -ResolveGUIDs | ?{ $_.ObjectAceType -eq "Group-Policy-Container" } | select ObjectDN, ActiveDirectoryRights, SecurityIdentifier

# Find principals that can link GPOs to OUs
Get-DomainOU | Get-DomainObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ? { $_.ObjectAceType -eq "GP-Link" -and $_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match "WriteProperty" } | select ObjectDN, SecurityIdentifier

# Get incoming ACL for a specific object
Get-DomainObjectAcl -SamAccountName "Domain Admins" -ResolveGUIDs | Select IdentityReference,ActiveDirectoryRights

# Find interesting ACLs for the entire domain, show in a readable (left-to-right) format
Find-InterestingDomainAcl | select identityreferencename,activedirectoryrights,acetype,objectdn | ?{$_.IdentityReferenceName -NotContains "DnsAdmins"} | ft

# Get interesting outgoing ACLs for a specific user or group
# ?{} is a filter statement
Find-InterestingDomainAcl -ResolveGUIDs | ?{$_.IdentityReference -match "Domain Admins"} | select ObjectDN,ActiveDirectoryRights

Powerview from Linux System: is an alternative for the awesome original PowerView.ps1 script. Most of the modules used in PowerView are available here ( some of the flags are changed ). Main goal is to achieve interactive session without having to repeatedly authenticate to ldap.



It might not return all properties by default, recommended to run all commands with -Properties * to get all the details like LAPS password for machines (if you have the perms) or delegation metadata like msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity

# running over proxychains and using powerview to connect to LDAP of dc01.pinecorp.internal
proxychains4 -q powerview 'john.doe':'AmazingP@ss'@dc01.pinecorp.internal --use-ldap -ns

# supports some functionality to help with OPSEC... althought never tested so not sure what they do
--no-admin-check      Skip admin check when first logging in
--obfuscate           Obfuscate search filter

Modules available:


# List users
execute-assembly C:\Tools\ADSearch\ADSearch\bin\Release\ADSearch.exe --search "objectCategory=user"

# List admins
execute-assembly C:\Tools\ADSearch\ADSearch\bin\Release\ADSearch.exe --search "(&(objectCategory=group)(cn=*Admins))"

# List MS SQL Admins
execute-assembly C:\Tools\ADSearch\ADSearch\bin\Release\ADSearch.exe --search "(&(objectCategory=group)(cn=MS SQL Admins))" --attributes cn,member

# kerberoasting
execute-assembly C:\Tools\ADSearch\ADSearch\bin\Release\ADSearch.exe --search "(&(objectCategory=user)(servicePrincipalName=*))" --attributes cn,servicePrincipalName,samAccountName

# as-rep roasting
execute-assembly C:\Tools\ADSearch\ADSearch\bin\Release\ADSearch.exe --search "(&(objectCategory=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=4194304))" --attributes cn,distinguishedname,samaccountname

# unconstrained delegation
execute-assembly C:\Tools\ADSearch\ADSearch\bin\Release\ADSearch.exe --search "(&(objectCategory=computer)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=524288))" --attributes samaccountname,dnshostname

# constrained delegation
execute-assembly C:\Tools\ADSearch\ADSearch\bin\Release\ADSearch.exe --search "(&(objectCategory=computer)(msds-allowedtodelegateto=*))" --attributes dnshostname,samaccountname,msds-allowedtodelegateto --json