
Welcome to the cyber bazaar


The bazaar is at a very early stage. Anything and everything may change for better or worse.

cyberpunk bazaar

A bazaar or souk is a marketplace consisting of multiple small stalls or shops, especially in the Middle East, the Balkans, Central Asia, North Africa and South Asia. They are traditionally located in vaulted or covered streets that have doors on each end and served as a city’s central marketplace.

In other terms, the cyber bazaar is a place for structured chaos where you can (sometimes) find cyber things you need (and sometimes stuff you don’t need).

A wiki / cheatsheet combination of some sorts with some magic dust sprinkled in there.


The goal is to have quick references to various tools and knowledge that is helpful for cybersecurity, speedrunning ctfs/boot2root/certs and other useful programming knowledge.

A lot of the techniques described here are very noisy and might not be OPSEC safe. Tread with caution and do your own research if you want to utilise some of the techniques during pentesting or red teaming engagements.


Will I find everything I need here?


At what stage of completion is this?

Eternal work in progress

Why make yet another cybersecurity cheatsheet?

I like the stock

Where did you get the image?

Yonked it at gunpoint from an AI on the internet.